Sir Robert Bryson Hall II
Sir Robert Bryson Hall II is a 27 year old rapper from Gaithersburg, Maryland. He was born in January 22nd in the year of 1990. He was born in a hospital in Shady Rockville Maryland at 7:36 in the morning. Today, he is 27 years old and is married to Jessica Andrea, who is also putting out pop music, and had two male dogs. He just put out his fourth album May 5th. This project came in the form of a consecutive concept album. This album takes place in the future not so far. The previous album introduced what could be the end of the human race down in Earth. He was able to capture the solution that we took a fourth to solve this crisis. We all set out into space in a space station called Babble to search for a planet called Paradise. This album was titled The Incredible True Story. The continuation album is titled Everybody. This concept album takes place in Paradise. He goes over the whole controversy of racism. He opens up about how life was for him growing up as a biracial boy surrounded by siblings and neighbors, as well as his parents, who were crack, alcohol and other drugs. He was raced upon section 8 housing and food stamps until he went to live with his friend. He was actually kicked out of high school as an underclassman. One of his first jobs was at a wingstop where be would rap the orders. Not only has he realized that life was rough for him but being that he is in the spotlight now he notices that there are more people out there with lives just as bad as his. That is the reason why he decided to open up about his own life. He aspired to enlighten people and open their eyes to let them know that at they are not alone and that things really do get better as he is a prime example of it.

I chose to write about him for this reason. He is such an inspiration and although I am set off good in life, he has allowed me to put myself in his place and realize that just because I don’t live in such conditions doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. I also love how he has been able to influence the way I interact with people. I have become an open minded person and feel like I can relate to someone that has lived a life like his. I will continue to look up to him as he has also affected the way I think and analyse art. With that said, I totally recommend him.
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