Wednesday, December 7, 2016

“It is better to be alone than to be in bad company.”
By: Unknown

When you are alone you tend to contemplate about what needs to get done and you do it to keep from being bored. When alone, some people develop hobbies like reading, writing, painting or even playing video games. Those hobbies you developed while you were alone may take you further in life because you might decide that, that was your passion all along. If you were with bad company you will most likely getting yourself into serious trouble all because you didn’t want to be alone. I believe being alone will help students in the future because it helps them prioritize their schedule.It also gives you the time to reflect and just better yourself in anything. For example if you are alone on a Saturday you might decide to read a book or stay home. All your friends went to a party and got really drunk. Not all of them wanted to but since everyone else was doing it they drank too. Instead of going out with bad company yo stayed home and wake up completely fine on Sunday. This is not the best example but it gives you an idea of bad company. In my opinion In other words you keep yourself from regretting things in the future because everyone else was doing it. Although it way seem boring to be alone it will keep you from irreversible trouble. The original author may be unknown but that doesn’t mean it is not important.

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