Memorial Day Weekend
This weekend we were allowed an extra day off of school. I was unbelievably busy this weekend as I was helping out my community at the fair. My job was to supervise as well as assist in the cleaning of the fair. My first shift was fon the Friday we were dismissed from 5pm -10pm. It was pretty fun. There really wasn’t any trash. The Saturday I had to get up early and go to church.After church I had to race back to my house and change into close that was suitable to clan in all day. I didn’t even have the chance to take off my make up. I actually ended up taking my little sister and while we were on break we went inside the petting zoo. It was pretty boring because I was scared of touching the animals. After we were done going over the fair twice we were able to get on some rides. After the fair my sister and I had to change to go to a party. At the party I was sleeping, which I really regret because it bothered my mom. Sunday morning I had to go to the fair early but we had some setbacks which took quite a while to recover from. I was in charge by myself until one of my members took charge along side me. We ended up taking both shifts so we worked from 12am all the way to 10pm. We helped this lady sell her organic lotions. The highlight of that day was going under the stage where people we ingin live to retrieve a table. It was pretty cool. On Monday I took a break from the fair to catch up on homework. It was a pretty productive weekend. 
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