Monday, November 14, 2016

“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”
By: Chick Morman

This quote is so cliche; I mean everyone has been called a sore loser at least once in and that is because you do not know how to lose. In the statement by Morman he states that doing right is far more important than winning. This is believed to be true by me. I think that it is better to lose  with integrity than to win for the wrong reasons. An example of this would be a wrestling match. Someone might pin you and the referee might not have caught it and you end up winning that match. That was the last match and you are placed in first. This would mean that you didn’t win for the right reasons. If the person would have just told on himself then he or she would have felt better because they know that they didn’t win. This was not the best example but it kind of gives the idea of being the opposite of the quote. I believe that this quote comes in handy for those people that like the short end of the stick.

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