Thursday, November 3, 2016

“ He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
Proverbs 13:20

As I read the quote I remembered my friends. I thought about how I always have hung around very intelligent people. I realized that because I hung out with people who teachers already knew were smart they considered me to be smart too. The statement showed why this little act of trust was made. In all of its meanings and interpretations, I think that we need to really hand out with people that are going to make you look good. I was told this by my elementary vice principal. She said that we should hang out with good people. Know i see how much of an impact the people you hang around with can really affect you. In the video we just saw in class the guy stated how he would come home late or sometimes not even come for a week. Then he started to hand around scholars and that got his goals accomplished. For example, I used to hang around a kid who was bad. I was told to keep away from him because he was going to get me in on trouble in  the future. I somewhat listened and know i see him and he’s over here smoking and not really doing the right things in class. I was thinking, not too long ago how if i would have still hung out with him i would have ended up the same. No what I am surrounded by such smart people, I’ve notice they have rubbed off on me for the better. This example is relevant to my life and if you see how this quote applies to my example; I’m sure you can relate to it too. This quote teaches you how the wrong crew can make you a wrong person and how a healthy environment can make you change for the better. I think this quote is all about choosing the right and the wrong.

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