September 11, 2001 is marked as one of United Sates' most tragic and devastating events. This event known as 9/11 was the first ever multiple hijacking in the US. When thinking of 9/11 we think of the twin towers and how two hijacked planes knocked them down, what many leave out is that there were three American iconic buildings that were targeted. One of course being the twin towers, the second is the pentagon and last but certainly not least is the plane that crashed in the fields of Pennsylvanian.
The twin towers, located in New York, were brought down by two hijacked planes. The north tower was hit fist. Since the airline flew right through the middle, it's flaming hole left the people in the higher floors trapped. Sadly these people saw no other option but to jump down from stories higher than 80. No more than 18 minutes later the south tower was shot. The pentagon was shot through the southwest side by flight 77. Lastly the plane that crashed in the Pennsylvanian field was being hijacked by 4 people. Luckily passengers were able to take on the hijackers but it was still taken down.
I have no memories of this event for i was only about three months old. Honestly, this has been talked so much through out my life that I feel for these people. I've seen plenty of videos and documentary of this event. The fact that people actually gave up their lives for such atrocious act is sickening. So many frantic faces and all affected for life. I see no reason for having to cause so much disruption.
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