Thursday, January 26, 2017

“ Enthusiasm makes the difference.”
By: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
I think that being enthusiastic can not only take you a long way in life but also how you feel inside. This enthusiasm or there lack of determines if you’re successful or not. If you have fun while doing something chances are that you’ll get it done fast and right. If you are bored and think the task is pointless then you’ll take forever doing it, if you get it done. For example, i spent a whole block complaining over a project and at the end of that block I had accomplished very little. I then thought to myself that if I would of had a better attitude, a bit of enthusiasm, I would have possibly finished it. It was all a waste of time. I wasted a whole block being querulous rather than being enthusiastic and getting work done. Another example is at my internship. I am naturally an Affable person and what I do is talk to people to get them to vote for council members. I have to interact with the people who I am calling. I am there for a good amount of my day and I’ve noticed that if I’m actually into what i’m doing I’ll work faster and more effectively. I also notice that I have better conversations with some people. It also makes the internship less tedious. To cut it I guess that I can say that being enthusiastic about something really does make the difference. I have also lived by this since freshman year. I have complained about assignments but overall it has really allowed me to enjoy school more than if i wasn’t a Tigger.

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