Winter Break
It is seldom that I get sick so it was surprising that I did get sick. I spent my first week in bed wishing I wasn’t sick. It wasn’t all bad for we watched several movies after that week. We went to the movie theaters and watched Sing. Over the duration of the week I watched lights out, Star Wars Rogue One, and Trolls. On Christmas Eve we spent the majority of the time cleaning because my cousins were coming over, and because my mom wanted a clean house. The rest of Christmas Eve we spent all day relaxing at my house. I never really go anywhere for Christmas because my family usually comes over. On Christmas morning we waited until my brother got home to open the presents. In the meantime we entertained ourselves playing scrabble and monopoly. If you are in search of games that will help you pass time then I highly recommend either of those. When the time to open the presents came we were unwrapping, singing and just enjoying what it is to spend a day with the family. After the unwrapping we had to clean and we ate throughout the day. After that I decided that it was time to get workin on my homework. It took until the last day of break to finish but I am quite satisfied with how it came out. When New Years came around my cousin and I were spamming all our social media accounts. I regret posting some of the pictures and videos but life goes on. After we decided to race outside to try to seep up the digestive process. It did nothing but scrape my cousin’s knee. After New Years there was only the day of the three kings. We had a gift exchange and I ended up burning my finger. One the very last day we celebrated my friend’s fifteen and that is how my break ended.
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