Despite the fact that many people told me this was going to be a boring class I actually like it. One of the reasons as to why I like this class is because of the vibe. It gives me a relaxing vibe where I could just contemplate on my actions and publish them. I also like how this class consists of freshmen, sophomores and juniors. I also like that we are always dismissed with a song; it just makes my day.
I actually really like this class. The only thing that I didn't was my grade. It was so difficult to get my grade to an A from an 89.93. I mean sure it could be rounded off but it wouldn't feel as accomplishing as would an A. I also didn't like haw this class would make me feel so cold in my next class. I noticed that every day I had the classes in order. That really has nothing to do with the class itself but it just linked to it.
I recommend that we change seats every two weeks or something along those lines. It would really give us a chance to get to know more people rather than our elbow partners. Another thing is that we should get more time to do the journals in class. It makes it easier to log. For my last recommendation I suggest to play music while we do the actual typing.
The highlight of this class was being in the same room as my cousin. She is the only family member that I have in this school and it is great to see her in class and keep an eye on her. Another highlight would be getting all these statements to reflect on. I have really made sure to choose the right more often than not and it has benefited me greatly.
I actually did do my best in this class. I always put a lot of effort into my daily posts. I also really enjoyed doing the student success statements so I put a good amount of effort into most of them. Sometimes theres days where I just don't feel like typing but even then i still try to make them enjoyable to read.I also try hard on completing my goals.
I do do my life planning journal.I have a total of around 950 goals. My ultimate goal is to have 1,000 before 2017. Even though I do my goals I almost never log them because I get lazy. I know it's bad to be lazy but sometimes I just don't have the time to do so. Non the less I always catch up and log them in.
I would love to committed to being a CTR person because it just allows you to be in a state of clear mind. It is going to be difficult but we just have to accept the fact that this is life. In order to have a good life you have to be a good person and the the right thing.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Integrity behind Cheating
In the high school setting there is a test being taken and when the teacher isn’t looking, one of the students asked for the answer to one of the questions and the other rejected her request.
“ When you tell one lie it leads to another.”
By: Paul Hatch
Friday, December 9, 2016
The sting of the scorpion
“ Always do right.”
By: Mark Twain
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
By: Unknown
When you are alone you tend to contemplate about what needs to get done and you do it to keep from being bored. When alone, some people develop hobbies like reading, writing, painting or even playing video games. Those hobbies you developed while you were alone may take you further in life because you might decide that, that was your passion all along. If you were with bad company you will most likely getting yourself into serious trouble all because you didn’t want to be alone. I believe being alone will help students in the future because it helps them prioritize their schedule.It also gives you the time to reflect and just better yourself in anything. For example if you are alone on a Saturday you might decide to read a book or stay home. All your friends went to a party and got really drunk. Not all of them wanted to but since everyone else was doing it they drank too. Instead of going out with bad company yo stayed home and wake up completely fine on Sunday. This is not the best example but it gives you an idea of bad company. In my opinion In other words you keep yourself from regretting things in the future because everyone else was doing it. Although it way seem boring to be alone it will keep you from irreversible trouble. The original author may be unknown but that doesn’t mean it is not important.
World War II
A few events that happened at this time was when Germany attacked France and that caused France to fall on June 1940. This is known to have happened when Germany took over Poland. Another event is when the Japanese rolled over Southeast Asia, Philippines, and the East Indies. This caused the Pacific war on June 1942. The battle only lasted four days. This was know as The Battle of Midway. There was also an event called D-Day. This was when general Dwight Eisenhower led the U.S. and allied troops to invade Normandy, France. The invasion occurred on June 6, 1944. Germany then surrendered on May 7, 1945.
To honor the veterans from World War II we can give a moment of silence. We also honor them on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. We can also celebrate them on Veterinarian's day. There are also a few ways that people like to celebrate their fallen relatives and that is up to them and how they find fitting to honor them.
Monday, December 5, 2016
- Can people trust me to do what’s right?
- Am I committed to doing my very best?
- Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
“ If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail.”
By: Lou Holtz
Several challenges that teens face today are due to stress. Teens today are too stressed out over anything. Some stress out about school while others stress out about life. This is a time where there are some crazy people out there. What most kids go through is bullying. Some students might even be bullied by family, friends, or by their peers. This increases the violence in teens today. This is also another issue teens face today. Most teens suffer from made up depression; sure some are disorders but most aren’t and that affects a person negatively.
Today I’m faced with stress. I’m always stressing over school and I think that is due to my work ethics. I am more used to working at home but I hold off the work and end up procrastinating. I am also dealing with how I manage my time. This ties in with my procrastination and it just makes me work worse. I have been planning to start doing work before it’s due and I’ve done so a few times and it actually works well. I am not as stressed and of course have more leisure time which I spend with friends. Being a CTR person also helps. I know that if I have to do something there is no other option. I can’t find no other way around it because it would be wrong to not do my work.
A way to help teens overcome their challenges is by having them open up. Let them talk about their issues and there is when they begin to feel better. You just have to be friendly. Most kids who are depressed or are faced with difficult situations and they just need someone to hear them out. They might not have anyone close to them enough to make them feel comfortable so I think that be being that person you can help them get through their issues. Today teens need to be shown compassion because I like adults forget that teens are still not ready to deal with such conundrums. Today teens go through so much and for adults to show some compassion is all they really need.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basics of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”
By: John F. Kennedy
Health Science Librarian
Salary: The average salary is $65,000 a year.
Education: To become a health science librarian you will need 6-10 years of additional schooling after high school. A health science librarian will need a master in library and information science degree. They must earn these degrees from schools that are ALA- accredited. An undergraduate must earn a degree in any medical field but biology is highly recommended.
Demand: There is a 2% slower than average rate.
Reflection: This profession does not interest me at all. I think it would be better being a regular librarian would be better. I don’t think this is a good option for me anyways. I like to do hands on work and that will just bore me.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
By: Joseph B. Wirthlin
Kindness is something that a lot of people don’t know how to show. Kindness is taught and the earlier it’s taught the bigger the outcomes. I believe that if a child is taught kindness at an early age in life they will carry that virtue. They will know how to be kind and that will only be good for the. These days not a lot of people know how to be kind because when they were younger they weren’t taught kindness. Therefore, they won’t be able to give off kindness. If a person in kind thy will receive good karma because they will be kind. An example could be if a person is kind to someone and that someone is feeling bad or is going through a rough time they will take that kindness and possibly better their day. That someone will maybe even make a new friend which is always a great thing.
Thanksgiving Week
Friday, November 18, 2016
“Manners maketh man.”
By: William Wykeham
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true don’t say it.”
By: Marcus Aurelius
Some of the things I’m thankful for include:
- Family
- Friends
- Teachers
- My home
- My financial situation
- The classes I’m taking this year
- My vocabulary
- My ability to talk (affability, amicability)
- My speed and agility
- My safe neighborhood
Monday, November 14, 2016
By: Chick Morman
This quote is so cliche; I mean everyone has been called a sore loser at least once in and that is because you do not know how to lose. In the statement by Morman he states that doing right is far more important than winning. This is believed to be true by me. I think that it is better to lose with integrity than to win for the wrong reasons. An example of this would be a wrestling match. Someone might pin you and the referee might not have caught it and you end up winning that match. That was the last match and you are placed in first. This would mean that you didn’t win for the right reasons. If the person would have just told on himself then he or she would have felt better because they know that they didn’t win. This was not the best example but it kind of gives the idea of being the opposite of the quote. I believe that this quote comes in handy for those people that like the short end of the stick.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”
By: Henry Ward Beecher
Veteran’s day is a holiday that we use to honor the all the veterans and victims of the World War 1. This holiday is celebrated on the 11th of November because November 10th marks the end of World War. The purpose of this traditional holiday is to honor those veterans who served in the war. It is important to show honor to veterans because they fought for us. They risked their lives for the safety of ours. It is the right thing to do when someone that might not even be related to you or your family goes out and represents you in such a risky manner. I also want to put it out there that originally the holiday was Armistice day and what that was is the holiday to honor the ones who had fallen. In the 1940’s it was changed to the Veteran’s day we know today.
Ways to honor the veterans who served or country would be;
- - Congratulate and thank anyone and everyone who we know served the military
- - Make our pride public by using social media and really letting it be known what November 11th is all about
- - Hold a family celebration in honor of the Veterans, even though you might not know any
- - Keep them in your prayers
I honestly don’t celebrate Veteran’s Day, but by not going to school. I have never really paid much attention to it until now. I didn’t really care what day it was. I just knew I didn’t get to go to school. Now that I know what it is all about I see the see the reason as to why we should celebrate Veteran’s day with honor. I, now, believe we should make known why it is we get a day off work or school. It really does mean a lot to honor those people who led us to victory. Without them there might not even have been a United States. Even now we might not have a United States. 
Monday, November 7, 2016
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity
Have the courage to say no.
- Have the courage to face the truth.
- Do the right thing because it is right.
By: W. Clement Stone
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Proverbs 13:20
As I read the quote I remembered my friends. I thought about how I always have hung around very intelligent people. I realized that because I hung out with people who teachers already knew were smart they considered me to be smart too. The statement showed why this little act of trust was made. In all of its meanings and interpretations, I think that we need to really hand out with people that are going to make you look good. I was told this by my elementary vice principal. She said that we should hang out with good people. Know i see how much of an impact the people you hang around with can really affect you. In the video we just saw in class the guy stated how he would come home late or sometimes not even come for a week. Then he started to hand around scholars and that got his goals accomplished. For example, I used to hang around a kid who was bad. I was told to keep away from him because he was going to get me in on trouble in the future. I somewhat listened and know i see him and he’s over here smoking and not really doing the right things in class. I was thinking, not too long ago how if i would have still hung out with him i would have ended up the same. No what I am surrounded by such smart people, I’ve notice they have rubbed off on me for the better. This example is relevant to my life and if you see how this quote applies to my example; I’m sure you can relate to it too. This quote teaches you how the wrong crew can make you a wrong person and how a healthy environment can make you change for the better. I think this quote is all about choosing the right and the wrong.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
The Gainesville Tornadoes Thank Their Unexpected Fan
The Gainesville is a prison where its members are not allowed to leave the premises. Their mascot is a tornadoes and like their mascot their games were just as barren. I mean they didn't have any fans. The basket ball players were not allowed to leave the prison except for when they went to play against other schools. Vanguard changed the game. They decided not to play against a team that didn't have any fans. The Vanguard players decided to ask some of their fans to cheer for the tornadoes. They even had cheerleaders and their posters up on the way. The whole crowd ended up cheering for the tornadoes. It was quite a game that the Gainesville players claim to never forget.
"The best recreation is to do good.”
By: William Penn
William Penn gave us an eye opening statement today. He stated that the best recreation is accomplished by doing good. I like this quote because it’s true. When ever I have any leisure time i would usually turn to my phone. Now I go outside and work out. I feel way better because I not only, get to listen to music but do my body good. When you treat your body well, you feel well. So, my recreational activity makes me look and feel well. A more common example would be fishing. If you are an adult that lives in the city you might experience great amount of stress. To relax, or recreate, you will go to the river bank where it’s all nice and quiet. You let yourself relax by doing good to your body. This would show great benefits in personality and behavior , in my opinion. I don’t necessarily live by this statement but I do believe it to be true. Sometimes the body just needs to relax and to do so you need to go easy on your body. That is my shorter, more narrow version of the quote.
Friday, October 28, 2016
“ Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”
By: William Penn
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
“Don’t sacrifice what you want more for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often.”
By Peter Vidmar
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