Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Break Days Off

Last week we had a whole week off of school. My break started off really busy. The same Friday we got out of school I had convention for key club. I was there until 10:00pm and didn't get home until 11. If that wasn’t crazy enough I had to get my clothes ready for Saturday. Saturday I had to leave at 8:00am. When we got to DCON we had to go to these sessions that took close to 30 minutes and we had to take notes. The day didn’t end until 10:00pm. Sunday I didn't do much except go to the fair where I was goofing around with goats, sheep, and a pony. It was so much fun. Monday, I just cleaned and relaxed. Tuesday, I had brunch with my key club family. Wednesday, I had the key club board come over to my house for a meeting. Thursday, I had planned to go to the beach but I had to take care of my mom and niece. Thursday and Friday were spent binge watching a show which was okay but not really worth the lack of sleep. Saturday and Sunday were dedicated Easter days. After we go home from the Easter celebration, I had to do all my homework which I did in two hours. Overall, my break was really productive.

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