Friday, February 3, 2017

“ I hated poverty, Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends on how hard I want to work, and I decided that I would change it.”
By: Dr. Ben Carson  

Like Ben Carson, I always used to think that I couldn’t do anything because I was stupid or didn’t know anything. It all changed once I was encouraged to do great things and be great in general. I can’t relate when he says how much he hated being in poverty because I was never in his position. I can say that the idea of nothing is said in stone. I am remembered of this saying as he goes on to speak about his life. He said how he decided to change his financial situation. He went to school and became a bright student and eventually specialized in conjoined twins. I believe that it is true that if you dislike something, then you could change it. The way he was going to change it was through education. Like I’ve learned before education is the best way to succeed in life. Ben Carson even became a 2016 presidential candidate. There aren’t many people who can say this and that is because there isn’t a lot of people who have the same mentality as he does. He believes that if you don’t like something then you could change it and it’s hard for me to envision happening to be but I’ll try because I saw it happen to someone. I just have to be as determined as he was. An example of this statement by Carson is when you are doing an assignment and you don’t like the way it’s coming out. Most people say whatever and move on, while others actually want to make it look better so they work extra hard an get it done the way they see fit. I actually want to be like this and I know it’s going to take me awhile to get there.

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