Wednesday, March 8, 2017

“ The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
By: Charles Ketterer

This student success statement by Charles Ketterer is also a very real and heavy statement. By heavy, I mean that it has a lot depth and can be very eye opening to some people. I mean I understand that this statement is going to allow us to take control of our lives and make what we want with them. We make our lives what they are and if we decide to mess up then we are also deciding to mess up our lives. This is very true in the case that some people who want to better themselves. I believe that in this world there are always people trying to better themselves and the best way to that is by listening to Ketterer. Ketterer is telling us, from what I understand, that the best way to make our future what we want it to be we must make sure to make it what we want it to be. An example I find fitting is when a student decides she is going to an ivy league school. It is then up to her if that is going to happen or not. She has to make her future and the way she is going to do that us by doing everything she is supposed to do. She has to live the life she wants if she is willing to do the time. I see this as a true statement by Mr. Ketterer. I am determined to live by this statement because it will give me the motivation I need to keep going and completing my life. If i live up to this statement there is no doubt that i'm going to live the way I want to live.

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