“Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse is sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”
By: George Mitchell
The provider of our student success statement is George Mitchell and he goes over how bad it is to cheat. I believe that when he said short term gain he meant what you gain from cheating. Like maybe a medal or recognition. He then goes on to talk about how we think that that is worth the long term pain and by that I think he means the after effects of having done wrong. That would be like going to jail or getting a zero. He also talks about steroids and how they are considered cheating. I like the way that he incorporates steroids in here because I actually understand steroids so it gives me a different idea than just associating cheating with school. An example of this quote in school would be if you are taking a test and you decide to cheat you might think that you did good by doing a little cheating but when you get your test back you notice that you got a zero. You got a zero because you got caught cheating. Cheating was your short term gain and the impact that zero had on your grade was the long term pain. I actually also like how he said,”Don’t do it,” because it was kind of funny. That is his way of avoiding cheating; by telling you not to cheat.
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