Friday, June 9, 2017

Class Evaluation
Throughout this semester I enjoyed learning more student success statements. I enjoyed this because they gave me a new perspective of what it was like to be a person who always does the right thing. The activity that follows out statements were the videos which I think were second most enjoyable thing in this class. I also enjoyed writing I my student life planning journal. In my journal I would write down my goal for the week and that's how I kept track of my year. I would also draw a lot which allowed the class to be enjoyable. I also liked that I was allowed to talk with my friends and family when we had to walk around and mingle with other students. Lastly, and my all time favorite, would be the end of the block when we were on our way to seventh block. The song is pretty catchy and has a pretty good message.
Although it may seem like this class may seem to be nothing but enjoyable it was not all the time. There were times when get a little bored because we had to create powerpoints for this semester long project and we had too much time to do it. It took too long to get everyone to  present their project. I also didn’t like that we were in the same seats. I would have enjoyed it if we were allowed to sit where we wanted. Another thing that I disliked about this class was the career journals. They were informative but I didn’t like researching and then I needed more time to write a reflection I was proud of. That should pretty much sum up what I didn’t like about this class.
To improve this class I recommend for the students to be able to socialize more. They could do this activity where they pair up with a random person in the class and then they have to write about them. It not only allows them to practice their typing skills but also allows them to get to know more people. Another suggestion would to allow them more freetime. I feel like a lot of the students like computers but for other things than just to type or make a website. You might want to allow them t learn how to photoshop or make a game. Something where we are actually using our knowledge of computers to do something good. Other than that I feel like the lass would be great doing what we are doing.
Like mentioned in the previous paragraph, I really enjoyed the student success  statements. I loved when I would be notified that someone commented on my articles. I also enjoyed being taught a good thing that i can actually use in life. I can actually teach someone these statements to make them a better person. Although I almost never had enough time to do a good job on them I could consider then the highlight of my year. The ones that I liked the most remain in my conscience today. I could not ask for a better task to do in this class as they were not only fun but good for me.
I did do my best in this class. I sometimes forgot my journal so that brought m grade down. The only thing that I never really go the hang of was memorizing the keyboard.Other than that I did try.
I do not read my life planning  journal all the time but I do often. I like writing in my journal though. I also write a lot so I feel like it makes up for when I don’t. When I didn’t do it’s because I’m too busy with other goals I have to complete.     

I have committed myself to chose the right. I have to be honest and say that I don’t always choose the right but I am still getting accustomed to doing things the right way. I made it a habit to be the best person I can be and so far I think that I have done a magnificent job. I plan to continue this all throughout my life.

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